Plastic is one of the most important industrial products that has permeates every area of our lives.For both the end-user and industrial consumers, the field of use comes across as one of the widest materials. Therefore, it is expected that there are many technical, mechanical and aesthetic variations of a product that is used in such a wide range.The ability to provide these variations can be achieved through two concepts that are frequently encountered in plastic production.In short, let's examine these two concepts, which can be collected in the main title of plastic additives. Masterbatch ve Compound.
These two terms are often mixed even among plastic material manufacturers and industrial consumers. Both are similar in terms of production method, but differ with the result they create, i.e the direction of use of the product.
Masterbatch is a granule form of chemical powder used during plastic production, which gives other properties such as color, odor, antigas, which are intended to be added to the plastic.The word means the main mixture. The mixture is formed by a mixture of polymers and organic or inorganic pigments.The customer adds this granule to its raw material. It has a cost-lowering effect.Click here for detailed information about our additive, filling and white masterbatch product groups.
Compound is the process of creating a new raw material in the physical properties that the customer wants with the additives added to the main raw material.The filling, pigment and carbon fibers added to the plastic are mixed with heat treatment and pressure and are bonded to the plastic.Improving durability features such as impact and tensile is achieved through compound.Enterprises use calcite, i.e. calcium carbonate, as a hardening filler in plastic production.While the cost-lowering effect makes this use attractive, the impact on human health and the added value it provides to the product is controversial.It is recommended to keep the usage rate low.